About me

I'm a Student Developer 👨‍💻 from India, working in the half-stack development. I enjoy learning and writing about Personal interest and Development. I strongly believe in "The process is important, regardless of the outcome" and that exactly reflects my personality.



  1. Work as half-stack - Freelancher

    | Online as well as Local Customer | Uttar Pradesh, India

  2. Work form Home

    Learning Skills | Develop New Ideas |

    Android Development JAVA


Programming Languages

Python Java HTML Javascript CSS



Other Tools/Technologies

Web Development Android Development

Familiar With/Other Skills

Flutter Kotlin Wordpress


Key Projects

  1. Password-Generator

    This project is a Java Console Application to generate Random passwords and performing a password strength check.

    • Generating a Password: The user must answer by Yes or No the questions to know if he desires to use Uppercase/Lowercase letters, Numbers or Symbols
    • Checking a Password's Strength: The Strength check is based on the following criteria: The password uses Uppercase Letters
    •Displaying Useful Information: This is a minor feature that displays on the console so information for the user about password security .


  2. Peer Learning System

    | Documentation| Complete documentation of the project including Requirement Understanding Design Document

    • Designed and developed a web solution for college geeks in Django for students to learn from their peers's work while managing course activities and assignments at one place.
    • Learned how to design Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams along with how to prepare documentation of the project.
    • Followed Scrum Methodology during entire Software Development Life Cycle.

    Django SQLite REST APIs Javascript

  3. Wordcount-Tools-in-Java

    Personal Project: Full Stack Development | Solo

    • Wordcount Tools in Java The Java Word Count ia a Java application built with the purpose of showcasing the usage of some Java 8 features, e.g. Streams, Lambdas.
    • This application is very similar to Linux 'wc' tool, which basically display some statistics related to one file (number of lines, words, etc)..
    • Get to learn about CORS mechanism. Used NodeJS for backend and ReactJS for frontend.

    NodeJS JAVA



  1. St. Peter's School Uttar Pradesh, India

    Pass Out High School , 1st Year

    2012 — 2023

    Percentage: 89.7/100
    Participate in Online and School Hackathon & work for school App & Website
    • Live On School official Website and Application
    • Team of 2 Member
    Programming, Freelancher & Management of Our School • St. Peter's School' Branch of Inter

UnderSchooling Courses

Android Development Web Development Operating Systems Software Development Computer Networks iOS Development Computer Organization


Knock my door for tech and finance discussion anytime 🙃

Thanks & ♥ to Visit

On My Portfolio

Revised By

Rishi Tiwari